UK Discipleship Resources

This resource is for you to grow in your relationship with Jesus.
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"What this means is that those who become Christians become new persons. They are not the same anymore, for the old life is gone. A new life has begun!"


2 Corinthians 5:17

"What this means is that those who become Christians become new persons. They are not the same anymore, for the old life is gone. A new life has begun!"


2 Corinthians 5:17

Steps for New Believers

Know that you are Forgiven

Once you have given your Life to Jesus Christ, the Bible, God’s Word, says:

You were saved by faith in God, who treats us much better that we deserve. This is God’s gift to you, and you have done nothing on your own (Ephesians 2:8).

For those who put their faith in Jesus: He gave them the right to be the children of God… God Himself was the One who made them His children (John 1:12-13).


It is important to spend time in prayer every day. Just as you can not grow without eating food each day, so your spirit must be fed in order for growth to occur in our walk with the Lord. The good news is that as children of God we have access to His presence any time we need it. You actually have the right to come before God and to share with Him your intimate thoughts, desires and fears. Prayer is simply talking to your heavenly Father.

Bible Reading

The Bible is the main way God has chosen to tell us about Himself. Learning what God says in the Bible is a very important part of your new life. As you read His Word, ask God to show you how various passages apply to your life.

A good place to start your study is in the Gospel of John in the New Testament. Find an easy-to-read, modern translation like the English Standard Version, New Living Translation, the New American Standard Bible, or the New King James Version Bible.


When you gave your life to Jesus Christ, you became a vital part of God’s family, the Church. As you get involved in a local church you will receive strength and encouragement from other believers. But you will also give something vital of yourself back to others. This is one reason why being involved in a local church is so important — and why the Bible says not to neglect meeting together with other believers (Hebrews 10:25).

Grow in relationship with Jesus

Once you have accepted Christ as your savior and begin to engage in regular prayer, Bible reading and get plugged into a local Church, it is important develop a deeper, personal relationship with Christ. “Make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness, love” (2 Peter 1:3-8).

The Bible says that we are to “to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.” (Ephesians 4: 1-3). God wants us to grow in our “knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ” (Ephesians 4:13).

The Apostle Paul wrote this about his spiritual growth: “When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me” (1 Corinthians 13:11).

Some suggested reading to start with!
  • 1 John
  • The Gospel of John
  • The Psalms and Proverbs


You’ll love these apps!

All of these resources can easily be used in a group setting, one-on-one or in your own personal devotional time. They will all, ultimately, help you as you continue to grow in

Loving God.
Loving Others.
Changing the World.

The Discipleship App

by Antioch Community Church

 The Discipleship App is for anyone who:

• Wants to learn about God
• Is new to faith
• Wants to know more about Kingdom values

It includes:

• Bible Reading
• Questions to help you study and understand Scripture
• Action steps to help you apply what you learn

Bible App for Kids

by Life.Church

The Bible App for Kids is the newest member of the YouVersion family of apps!

Available now for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch, the Bible App for Kids is always completely free!

Through interactive adventures and beautiful animations, kids explore the big stories of the Bible. The Bible App for Kids is a delight-filled experience designed to encourage kids to return again and again. It’s the beginning of a lifelong love of God’s Word.

It includes:

• Easy, kid-friendly navigation
• Colorful illustrations
• Touch-activated animations
• Engaging, interactive content that brings the Bible to life
• Fun facts and activities designed to help kids remember what they learn
• Special challenges that let kids earn rewards

YouVersion Bible App

by Life.Church

Customize your Bible App experience. Access everything when connected, or download specific versions to use offline.

Explore the Bible with your closest friends. Share honest conversations about Scripture with a trusted community. Grow together and share what you discover.

YouVersion Bible App will help you:

• Make a daily prayer habit
• Discover the Bible
• Connect with Friends
• Study the Bible
• Share with others what you’re learning

kingdom strategies 

Waha App: Discover God’s Story

Waha’s discipleship lessons use the wildly effective Discovery Bible Study format and allow anyone to facilitate a group that’s focused on discovering and applying God’s Word together. The audio (or text) lessons in this app will empower you to effortlessly guide your group through the meeting & the discovery of God’s word.

Discover god’s living truth &

purpose for your life through the Bible!

The Waha app facilitates your small group meeting through an interactive, engaging, audio-based format. It’s kind of like putting the world’s best bible study small group leader into your pocket!

Discover topics like:
The story of creation
How sin entered the world
The penalty of our sin
God’s plan to redeem mankind
God’s vision to change the world

alpha course | UK

A Series of Sessions Exploring the Christian Faith.

Find an alpha group near you

Or Join a Group Online.

We believe that everyone should have the chance to explore the Christian faith, ask questions and share their point of view – wherever they are in the world.

To find and get in touch with an Alpha near you, click the link below and enter your info. If there’s a computer icon that means the Alpha is online.

alpha course | UK

Alpha Youth Series.

alpha youth is dvd series

with a companion book guide.

The brand new Alpha Youth Series consists of 13 sessions filmed all over the world. The Series explores timeless questions about life, faith and God for a new generation,

offering compelling stories, images, questions, and discussion topics spread throughout each episode. Information, downloadable talks are available. Click below!

christianity explored ministries

Christianity Explored Course.

Christianity Explored is an informal and relaxed seven-week course. It’s for anyone who wants to think about the meaning of life. It’s run by ordinary people local to you and is completely free. You don’t need to know anything about the Bible and you won’t be asked to pray or sing. You can ask any question you like or you can just sit and listen.

Scripture union ireland

NUA Film Series

NUA / nu: ʌ / noo-ah /

Language of origin: Irish

Adjective, meaning “new”

SU Ireland is an interdenominational organisation 

working closely with churches to help young people engage with Jesus and his teachings.

NUA is all about exploration; videos that encourage questions, acknowledge doubt and offer an engaging perspective on the Christian faith.

We’re taking an honest look at questions many of us have about Jesus, the Bible, and what it means to be a Christian.


Welcome to the first-ever multi-season series about the life of Christ. The free show tens of millions of people won’t stop talking about.

Watch seasons 1-3 for free!


Download the Chosen app to watch Seasons 1 to 3 for free. Available for iOS, Android, Roku, Apple TV, and Amazon Fire TV.


Get In Touch

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